
beyond tellerrand Berlin 2019 – personal recap ? ❤️

I had the chance to join the wonderful beyond tellerrand Berlin 2019 conference last week. So here is a little blog post about it. The venue of beyond tellerrand berlin 2019 The beyond tellerrand berlin 2019 had to look for a new venue since the Admiralspalast closed its doors. The new venue Festsaal Kreuzberg was a very good choice for the conference. Perfect size, stylish, even with a great...

Beyond Tellerrand Berlin 2018 – a superb experience

This year I was able to attend the Beyond Tellerrand conference the second time in 2018. After the conference in Munich where I attended as a volunteer I had the chance to attend the Beyond Tellerrand  Berlin 2018 edition. This time as a “normal” attendee. I attended with 3 of my co-workers and our company paid the tickets, travel costs and hotel for us. I confess it is nice when you...

Ampersand Conference 2018 in Brighton – a recap

Two weeks ago I fulfilled 2 of my wishes: visiting Brighton, UK and attending the Ampersand Conference. And in short this is how it was: ?❤️? The Ampersand Conference 2018 As I stated in an earlier post, I bought the tickets for AmpersandConf very early, so I was lucky to get one of the super early-bird tickets. The conference was held at the awesome Duke of York’s Picturehouse which was opened...

Typography love – Ampersand Conference 2018

It’s an Ampersand Conf again in 2018 The Ampersand conference is one of the conferences I looked at secretly for quite some time. A conference about typography. Typography is a secret love of mine. I do admire typography but unfortunately have no real knowledge about it. I know I should as I call myself a “designer”. (And I still feel unkomfortable when I call myself a designer...

Conferences in 2018

I set myself a few goals this years. One of them is to visit more conferences in 2018. Preferable conferences in a few different countries. A so called web conference about the internet, design, UX, online marketing and everything in common. If you don’t want to read the whole post, you can see the conferences I will attend or I am interested in attending by clicking this link. List will...


February 2025
